The Launch Price of Prestige Southern Star begins at Rs 70 Lakhs for 1 BHK apartment. The launch price for 2 BHK flats ranges between 1.25 Crores and 1.72 Crores. The launch price for 3 BHK flats ranges between 1.80 Crores and 2.70 Crores. The launch price for 4 BHK flats starts at Rs 3.80 Crores. The special launch price offers commence in February 2025.
Prestige Southern Star Launch prices will be announced in January 2025. The project is one of the most awaited new launches on Begur Road in Bangalore. The project will provide many attractive launch prices across all apartment sizes ranging from 1 BHK to 4 BHKs.
The builder will soon declare the Prestige Southern Star launch price, which will be attractive and competitive. The project is developing on Begur Road in Bangalore in the city's prime area. These premium apartments in the southeastern part of Bangalore Begur Road offer luxury 2, 3, and 4 BHK apartments. The Prelaunch Price list of apartments at Prestige Southern Star is as follows:
Project Name | Prestige Southern Star |
Location | Begur Road, Bangalore South |
Total land in Acres | 100 + Acres |
RERA NO | Awaiting |
Total No. of Apartments | 3000 Units plus |
Total No. of Villas | 400 Units |
Bedrooms | 2, 3, 3.5 and 4 BHK |
Club House | 3 Premium Clubhouse Amenities with 50,000 Sqft each |
Starting Price | 1.24 Crores Onwards |
Launch Date | December 2024 |
Completion | December - 2028 |
The project's launch date is in 2024, and many launch offers will be revealed on that date, which is a crucial factor that defines the popularity of this luxury project. The units in the project help in optimizing air and natural light. All the units are based on Vaastu, and it provides a good view of the green world. It includes space for dining, living, and recreation. The prices of units in the area differ in size and placement in the tower. The Launch price is more reasonable than the market price, and it draws a lot of investors. Offering all these options could increase the sales for developers. So, the launch price is beneficial for both the buyers and developers.
The Launch Price caters to an extensive range of buyers. The project has a range of options to fulfill all your goals. The homes are designed to provide great luxury at an affordable range. The builder always concentrates on budget-friendly projects, which will sell out easily. During the initial phase, developers offer attractive launch price discounts to attract buyers and investors. If you plan to invest in a home, now is the best time to book your dream unit at the lowest prices. So, if you want to invest in any property, investing in this new launch project is better.
The flexibility in launch pricing is a testament to the commitment to providing first-class living experiences to society. Buying a property in the launch phase opens the opportunity to get the best return on investment. Buyers can take advantage of price escalation that trickles in after the launch. The prices will tend to increase once the project is up for possession. So, if we sell off later, we can make huge returns.
The launch price encourages buyers to invest in the property, and there are various payment plans to invest here. Payment can be made in installments at frequent intervals. Buyers can also choose their desired units at the initial stage. The price will increase gradually, and it will have a better resale and rental value by the time of possession.
The project is in a prime area of the city, and it is a good time to invest here. Buying units at the Prestige Southern Star launch price is beneficial as it will have discounts and give good returns.
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